Your First Month of Pregnancy
1 Month Pregnant

The first month of Pregnancy (approximately from week 1 to week 4) can be a very emotional time for many new mothers. You can be overwhelmed with the possibility of adding a new member to your family. Or about the pregnancy itself. The thoughts of whether you may or may not be pregnant are in every waking (and sleeping) moments.

You may be very excited that this finally is happening to you after seeing many pregnant women and babies throughout the course of your day. And full of anticipation of reading those positive signs on the pregnancy test towards the end of the 1st month of pregnancy.

At the end of month 1, you will be 4 weeks pregnant. However, you will actually only have been pregnant about two weeks.

How can that be? Well, when counting the 40 weeks of pregnancy, it all starts on the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP). See the pregnancy chart. Conception occurs about two weeks after the start of our period.

What happens during first month of pregnancy

For pregnancy week 1, you'll be on your period at the start of a new ovulation cycle in which you may be able to become pregnant.

The second week of pregnancy, you'll be waiting for ovulation. Perhaps charting, taking your BBT (basal body temperature), checking your cervical mucus, using ovulation predictor kits, and/or fertility monitors. All in the hopes that you'll catch that egg at ovulation time.

During the third week of pregnancy, you'll likely be (im)patiently waiting out the so called two week wait. This is the week that the fertilized egg will travel from the fallopian tube to the uterus to implant into the endometrium so it can receive nutrition and grow into a healthy baby.

The fourth week of pregnancy is the most frustrating, in my opinion. The final week to wait until you can pee on a stick (POAS, take a home pregnancy test). This week, your little embryo is fully implanting into the lining of the uterus (settling in to it's new home for the next few months).

Once this tiny bundle of cells establishes contact with the mother's blood supply, it will begin to emit a hormone call hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin or otherwise known at the 'pregnancy hormone'). This is the hormone that is detected by home pregnancy tests (HPT). It takes about a week or more for hCG to build up in your bloodstream to an amount detectable by HPTs.

At the end of the first month of pregnancy (sometimes a few days before, sometimes a few days past) you'll know for sure whether you are pregnant or not.

What to do in the first month of pregnancy

Well, during the first couple of weeks there are lots to do. This is the time you will be preparing to get pregnant.

Timing is important. Check out this page on the best time to get pregnant. Also see the best days to get pregnant.

See this page for the best getting pregnant positions for the best positions and frequency of baby-making-sex plus many more tips.

See also my best tips for getting pregnant to help guide you to get pregnant more quickly.

The last few weeks there is not much you can actively do but wait until you are able to take a pregnancy test.

If you are charting your BBT (basal body temperature), you can look over your chart to see a rise in progesterone levels after ovulation (seen as a rise in temperature on your chart).

Make sure you are eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of folic acid, especially, to help prevent birth defects and to ensure you have the healthiest baby possible.

Being 1 month pregnant deserves congratulations!! You've made it. You're going to be a Mom! Perhaps for the first time, perhaps for the 6th time, whichever. It's a miraculous nine month journey to be able to have a precious little bundle in your arms. And it all starts with the first month of pregnancy.

1 Month ››


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